Solenoid Locking Interlock Safety Switch featuring
POWER TO LOCK with Guard Holding up to 2000N (200Kg) (F1Max)
The KLP-P2L Series Guard Locking switches have a slim plastic body design
and have been developed with a holding force of 2000N to keep medium
guard doors closed until hazards have been removed.
They are Power to Lock - Spring to Unlock, suitable for applications where
immediate unlocking is required at removal or loss of power.
(They are NOT suitable for machines with a running down time).
The high specification plastic body has a high resistance to chemical and
washdown solutions, and the Stainless Steel Head provides a durable robust
protection of the cam interlock.
IP67 enclosure protection is maintained by a double seal lid gasket design
and metal fixings.
They have a slim profile and are designed to fit on 50mm (2”) frame sections
or to applications where space is restricted.
The head will rotate to provide up to 8 actuator entry positions.
我公司主要从事EHS安全服务,以下为我公司的服务,希望对贵司的安全有所帮助 1、安全评估:主要是工厂机械设备的风险评估,风险评估根据ISO12100及GB/T15706及ISO13849-1及GB/T16855-1进行机械和安全系统的评估 2、安全自动化;我们将提供比别人自动化多一点的安全自动化,在满足自动化功能的基础上,同时满足安全所有标准 3、设备安全改造:提供工厂收购后或者现有设备的整体安全改造 4、安全培训:立宏的安全培训为标准与案例结合,培训的内容专业并且有实际案例,尤其是A类标准ISO 12100机械风险评估及 ISO 13849电气安全控制系统更为专业化 5、其它机加工类产品,如车床、钻床、铣床类等机加工产品,立宏公司设计独树一帜,并且拥有产品的专利权 6、安全标准提供(我公司为多家标准委员会委员,同时还担任标准的起草及审核工作),更多关于标准方面的需求,期待你的 咨询 7、如果你有其它更多的服务,请联系我,我将安排专业对口人员为你服务 8、附件为公司新版本公司安全介绍,请参阅 帮助企业无工伤事故,是立宏一直的追求!风险评估热线400-881-6062 18930078061
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