MGXTSV 型光缆是金属加强构件、中心管填充式、夹带钢丝的钢带聚乙烯粘结护套、蓝色聚氯乙烯
MGXTSV type optical fiber cable is metallic strength member, central tube filling type, with steel wire - polyethylene
bonded sheath, blue flame retardant PVC sheathed communication outdoor optical cable. Inside the tube filling gel,
tube filling water-blocking tapes and suites, blue low smoke zero halogen flame retardant sheath into line.
光 缆 小 、重量轻,弯曲性能优异。
产品使用寿命 30 年以上。
适用于长途通信和局间通信,架空、管道, -4 0 ~ + 6 0 °C , 静态 10 倍缆径,动态 201 咅缆径。
Whole section block water structure, ensure good resistance water moisture performance.
Has a good flame retardant performance.
Loose tube filling special ointment tube, optical fiber for key protection.
Two parallel round steel wire tension resistance and resistance to lateral pressure.
Cable diameter is small, light weight, bending performance.
Pine casing is located in the center of optical physics, operation is convenient.
The service life of the products more than 30 years.
Cracking-resisting and interoffice communications, overhead, pipelines, and 40 ~ + 60 TI, 10 times the cable diameter, static dynamic
20 times the cable diameter |