Tulsion® A-62 MP 除砷特种树脂
tulsion A-62MP 为黑色的湿润球形,具有良好的物理和化学性能,并且拥有一次通过的时间。
典型特性ypical characteristics)
型式/type去除树脂/as removal resin
主体结构/matrix structure 交联聚苯乙烯共聚物/cross linked polystyrene copolymer
官能基/functional group树脂上加载的氢氧化铁和二氧化锰/fe2(oh)3 & mno2 loaded resin
物理型式/physical form黑色湿润球状/black moist spherical beads
目数/screen size mm us mesh16 to 50
粒径分布/particle size mm(95%) 0.3 - 1.2 mm
湿度/moisture content51±3%
反洗设置/密度backwash settled density 670 -710 g/l
ph范围/suitable ph range>6.2
允许温度/temperature stability 80℃
溶解性/solubility不溶解(避免强酸),insoluble in all common solvents. however contact
with acidic solutions to be strictly avoided.
操作条件特性(typical operating conditions)tulsion® arsenil
作温度/operating temperature 15℃ - 40℃
树脂床高度/resin bed depth 800 mm
大流速/maximum service flow 15 - 25 bv/hr (2 -3 gpm/ft3)
逆洗流速/backwash flow rate ( for 60-70% expansion)8-20m3/hr/m2,(2.5-5gpm/ft3)
逆洗时间/backwash duration 15 - 30 分钟
测试(testing):tulsion; arsenil
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即astmd - 2187和is - 7330,1998.
super sack
1000 lit
super sack
35 cft
ms drums
180 lit.
ms drums
7 cft
hdpe lines bags
25 lit |