先生 (业务) |
电 话:0755-23592524 |
手 机:13751169487  |
cpc认证费用有那些/亚马逊CPC认证申请周期多久 |
CPSC:Consumer Product Safety Commission, 消费品安全委员会;
CPSIA:Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, 消费品安全改进法案;
ASTM:American Society of Testing Material美国材料试验协会
ASTM F 963:Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety美国玩具安全标准;
儿童产品:指主要为12 岁以下儿童设计使用的消费产品;
儿童玩具:为12 岁以下的儿童设计供他们玩耍的消费产品;
儿童护理用品:为帮助3 岁以下儿童促进睡眠、喂食、帮助小孩 吸奶或磨牙等而设计的消费产品。 CPSIA内容概述: CPC认证
2008年8月14日生效Title I- Children’s Product Safety第I章-儿童产品安全
Sec.101.Children’s products containing lead, lead paint rule儿童产品含铅,油漆含铅条例(101节)
Sec.102.Mandatory third party testing for certain children’s product.某些儿童产品需强制通过第三方测试(102节)
Sec.103.Tracking labels for children’s products.儿童产品追踪标签(103节)
Sec.104.Standards and consumer registration of durable nursery products.耐用婴儿产品标准及消费者登记(104节)
Sec.105.Labeling requirement for advertising toys and games.玩具和游戏广告的标签要求(105节)
Sec.106.Mandatory of toy safety standards.强制玩具安全标准(106节)
Sec.107.Study of preventable injuries and death in minority children related to consumer products. 部分儿童产品有关的预防伤害和致死研究(107节)
Sec.108.Prohibition on sale of certain products containing specific phthalat |