SANTOLUBE EP-0 润滑脂是一种高牵引力、高温润滑脂,具有出色的热稳定性和机械稳定性。 该润滑脂推荐用于需要在高温下运行且需要高牵引系数的应用。 SANTOLUBE EP-0 润滑脂可保持高 EHD 油膜厚度并抵抗滚动接触疲劳。 在中等至极端压力条件下,这种润滑脂提供*高的负载传递能力。SANTOLUBE EP-0
Lubricating Grease
SANTOLUBE EP-0 Lubricating Grease is a high traction, high temperature grease with excellent thermal and mechanical stability. This grease is recommended for applications requiring operation at high temperatures, where high coefficient of traction is necessary. SANTOLUBE EP-0 grease maintains high EHD film thickness and resists rolling contact fatigue. Under moderate to extreme pressure conditions, this grease offers the highest load transfer capability |