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联系人: 先生 (经理)
电 话:028-62328193
手 机:17380623303


铜赖氨酸脯氨酸盐 1613132-70-9 Copper Lysinat


    Copper Lysinate/Prolinate

INCI Name: Copper Lysinate/Prolinate

Description: Proline and lysine play a major role in the production of collagens and elastin that the body is not able to produce by itself. Copper to reactivate lysyl oxydase, the enzyme which enables reticulation and maturation of collagens and elastin.

CAS No.: 1613132-70-9

Use: for wrinkle reduction products Available in the form of gel, serum, lotion or cream

先生 (经理)  
电  话: 028-62328193
传  真:
移动电话: 17380623303
公司地址: 中国四川成都市Apartment 619, Unit 1,Building 10,No 77, TianmuRd,
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公司主页: http://youngshepeptide.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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成都云希化工有限公司 公司地址:中国四川成都市Apartment 619, Unit 1,Building 10,No 77, TianmuRd,
先生 (经理) 电话:028-62328193 传真:

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