先生 (经理) |
电 话:0139-28821801 |
手 机:13928821801 |
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玻璃钢施工 |
环氧玻璃钢 乙烯基玻璃钢
参照HGJ 229和GB 50212,防腐层设计为:二布四油,三布五油,四布六油,五布七油等工艺。底料应用树脂底涂一道,使胶料湿润钢基层,或渗入水泥砂浆可达5mm,驱走水泥砂浆内的空气,提高了强度,与基层的接合得到保证。然后铺平玻璃布、无气泡和空鼓后,涂刷树脂,依此完成几层玻璃纤维布的铺衬。在玻璃纤维层固化后,涂刷面层,是耐蚀性关键部位,须饱满、无针孔、光泽亮丽。
“It was so obvious that we were meant for each other. So obvious that I was the only man of your acquaintance who could love you after knowing you as you really are—hard and greedy and unscrupulous, like me. I loved you and I took the chance. I thought Ashley would fade out of your mind. But,” he shrugged, “I tried everything I knew and nothing worked. And I loved you so, Scarlett. If you had only let me, I could have loved you as gently and as tenderly as ever a man loved a woman. But I couldn’t let you know, for I knew you’d think me weak and try to use my love against me. And always—always there was Ashley. It drove me crazy. I couldn’t sit across the table from you every night, knowing you wished Ashley was sitting there in my place. And I couldn’t hold you in my arms at night and know that—well, it doesn’t matter now. I wonder, now, why it hurt. That’s what drove me to Belle. There is a certain swinish comfort in being with a woman who loves you utterly and respects you for being a fine gentleman—even if she is an illiterate whore. It soothed my vanity. You’ve never been very soothing, my dear.” |
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