Baseband: skeleton material USES terylene rubber duck (EP canvas, cable, steel) and lateral stiffness strengthened layer; Join in with lateral stiffness strengthened layer, raised edge conveyor belt has solved the large size of the flat belt.
挡边:根据挡边的作用及整体带的运转特性,采取了增加挡边的含胶量,在挡边内部 加贴尼龙布作为骨架层等措施;增强了挡边的耐曲挠、抗撕裂性,提高了挡边的使用寿命。包头挡边带,毕节皮带机接头,高级工程师硫化接头
Guard: according to the role of the guard and overall operation features, adopted can increase penal glue content, inside the guard labeled with nylon fabric as a skeleton layer measures such as; To enhance the anti-bending of penal, tear resistance, improve the service life of the guard。包头挡边带,毕节皮带机接头,高级工程师硫化接头
隔板:采用胶料与纤维复合材料混炼的工艺使得隔板挺性大,硬度高、增强了耐冲击 性,避免了其因受力较大而发生形变。包头挡边带,毕节皮带机接头,高级工程师硫化接头
Barrier: the mixed rubber and fiber composites technology makes partition big stiffness, high hardness, enhanced the shock resistance, avoid the cause more stress and deformation.包头挡边带,毕节皮带机接头,高级工程师硫化接头
特点:适用于倾角0°~90°散装物料的输送;具有使用范围广、占地面积小、无转 运点、减少土建投资、维护费用低、输送量大等特点;解决了普通带和花纹带所不能达到 的输送角度;还可根据使用环境,设计成完整、独立的输送系统,避免了间断输送和复杂 输送的提升系统。包头挡边带,毕节皮带机接头,高级工程师硫化接头
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