商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | 网址:kevin3737.qy6.com A2106V台湾晶洋微代理|大电流车充IC|5V/2.4~3.4A_深圳市毕天科技有限公司 手机站
联系人:胡生 先生 (销售总监)
电 话:0755-23761303
手 机:18588435432




    General Description

The A2201V is a dual-channeling CV/CC mode switching regulator. The A2201V is designed to allow for operating a wide supply voltage range from 8V to 36V and capable of delivering 5A output current.

The A2201V features a dual-channeling CV/CC mode control functions, the CV mode (Constant Voltage) function to provide a regulated voltage output and the dual-channeling CC mode (Constant Current) function provides dual-channeling current limitation function, it is suitable for the DC / DC switching power applications when requested the dual-channeling current limitation function.


■ 8V~36V Input Voltage Range

■ UVLO protection

■ Fixed 100KHz operating Frequency

■ Dual-Channeling CC/CV Mode Control

■ +/- 1% Voltage Reference Accuracy

■ +/- 4% Current Limit Accuracy

■ Soft Start Function for Start-up

■ Output Over-Voltage Protection

■ Over Temperature Protection

■ Fold Back Short-Circuit Protection

■ Synchronization Rectification

■ High Efficiency Operation

■ SOP-8 Package

■ ISO7637-2 Pulse 1~4 Compliant


■ Car Charger

■ Automotive power applications

■ DC/DC converters with current limited

■ General Purpose CV/CC power supply

General Description

The A2102V is a step down switching regulator, which has a built-in 40V P-channel power MOSFET for delivering output current. The A2102V is designed to allow for operating a wide supply voltage range from 8V to 33V and capable of delivering 3A output current.

The A2102V features a programmable CV/CC mode control functions, the CV mode (Constant Voltage) function to provide a regulated voltage output and the CC mode (Constant Current) function provide a current limitation function, it is suitable for the DC / DC switching power applications when requested the current limitation function.


■ 8V~33V operating voltage range

■ Built-In 40V, P-Channel MOSFET

■ Fixed 100KHz operating frequency

■ CC/CV mode control

■ +/- 1% voltage reference accuracy

■ +/- 4% current limit accuracy

■Soft Start function for start-up

■ Output Over-Voltage Protection

■ Over Temperature Protection

■ Fold back Short-Circuit Protection

■ High efficiency operation

■ SOP-8 Package

■ ISO7637-2 Pulse 1~4 Compliant


■ Car charger

■ Portable charger applications

■ DC/DC converters with current limited

■ General Purpose CV/CC power supply

胡生 先生 (销售总监)  
电  话: 0755-23761303
传  真: 0755-23761303-802
移动电话: 18588435432
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市深圳市龙华新区民治大道民康路东明大厦351室
邮  编: 518000
公司主页: http://kevin3737.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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深圳市毕天科技有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市深圳市龙华新区民治大道民康路东明大厦351室
胡生 先生 (销售总监) 电话:0755-23761303 传真:0755-23761303-802

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