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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 电子元器件 >> 集成电路(IC) >> 一级代理飞凌FM8PB53B高压单片机原装正品
一级代理飞凌FM8PB53B高压单片机原装正品 一级代理飞凌FM8PB53B高压单片机原装正品_深圳市微瑞微电子科技有限公司_一级代理飞凌FM8PB53B高压单片机原装正品

公 司: 深圳市微瑞微电子科技有限公司
有 效 期:2019年04月14日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
邹小姐 女士 (业务经理)
电  话: 0755-28329994
传  真:
手  机: 13423998024
地  址: 中国广东深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道龙岗路十号电子商务港603
邮  编:
公 司:深圳市微瑞微电子科技有限公司



    需要时请联系,13423998024 邹小姐 或者QQ咨询:1501876673 !

FM8PB53B : OTP device

Only 42 single word instructions

All instructions are single cycle except for program branches which are two-cycle

13-bit wi de instructions

All OTP area GOTO instruction

All OTP area subroutine CALL instruction

8-bit wide data path

5-level deep hardware stack

Operating speed: DC-20 MHz clock input

DC-100 ns instruction cycle

Device Pins # I/O # OTP (Word) RAM (Byte)

FM8PB53B 14 12 1K 49
Direct, indirect addressing modes for data accessing

8-bit real time clock/counter (Timer0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler

Internal Power-on Reset (POR)

Built-in Low Voltage Detector (LVD) for Brown-out Reset (BOR)

Power-up Reset Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer(OST)

On chip Watchdog Timer (WDT) with internal oscillator for reli able operation and soft-ware watch-dog

enable/disable control

Two I/O ports IOA and IOB with i ndependent direction control

Soft-ware I/O pull-high/pull-down or open-drain control

One internal interrupt source: Timer0 overflow; Two external interrupt source: INT pin, Port B input change

Wake-up from SLEEP by INT pin or Port B input change

Power saving SLEEP mode

Built-in 8MHz, 4MHz, 1MHz, and 455KHz internal RC oscillator

Programmable Code Protection

Selectable oscillator options:

- ERC: External Resistor/Capacitor Oscillator

- HF: High Frequency Crystal/Resonator Oscillator

- XT: Crystal/Resonator Oscillator

- LF: Low Frequency Crystal Oscillator

- IRC: Internal Resistor/Capacitor Oscill ator

- ERIC: External Resistor/Internal Capacitor Oscillator

Operating voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V

- ≤4MHz: 2.4V to 5.5V

- ≤8MHz: 2.6V to 5.5V, see 6.1 for more information.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:邹小姐 电话:0755-28329994

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