工业园区的设计不仅仅在于合理地规划各类工业的生产布局,从规划、景观到建筑设计都体现出生态、科技和文化的内涵,更重要的是为业主提供集生产、研发、物 流、展示及融资等内容的一体化综合解决方案,为企业构建一个多元化的发展平台。从策划到规划,从设计到宣传,我们在每一个环节都体贴地为业主着想,为其创 造客户价值的*大化。代表作品:中烟集团黄鹤楼工业园,凤凰山产业园,九州通医药集团,光谷创业产业基地,中国长江动力公司新厂区,中建钢构(武汉),东风研发中心等等。
学校景观设计不仅仅要考虑到学生的学习、交通、休闲娱乐、心理需求等活动。还要用设计体现出学校自己独特的文化和历史,文化是一个学校的灵魂,进行景观设 计时,把握校园历史的延续,保留文化的部份,把校园的文化、历史体现在校园的环境设计中。让师生在其中能感受到学校的文化气息。代表作品:长安大学(渭水校区)等等。
Industrial parks and landscape design school
Design of industrial parks not only in rational planning of production layout of various industries, from planning and landscape to architectural design reflects the connotation of ecology, science and technology and culture, is more important is for the owners to provide production, development, logistics, exhibition and financing and other content integrated and comprehensive solutions for enterprises to build a wide range of development platforms. From the planning to the planning, from design to promotion, we are caring for the sake of the owners in every aspect of its maximize customer value creation. Representative works: Tobacco Group Yellow Crane Tower Industrial Park, Phoenix Hill Industrial Park, Kyushu Medical Group, the Optical Valley venture industrial base, China Yangtze Power's new plant, built in steel (Wuhan), Dongfeng R & D centers. |