好的市政风景区园林景观设计不仅要紧扣当地的历史文脉及地方风格、突出表现城市的意象,而且要力求创造一个主题鲜明、特征明显,具有普遍“认同感”的标志 性开放空间。我们会充分考虑基地的自然特征和资源气候,力求用最小的生态冲突,实现自然环境与人工环境的有机融合。代表作品:潜江龙湾遗址放鹰台、博物馆,光山县革命烈士纪念公园,武广高铁防护林,高新二路森林大道绿化,东西湖泾河古镇、墨水湖蚌蛙洲、马鞍山景观等等。
Municipal Scenic Landscape Design
Good municipal scenic landscape design should not only closely linked to local historical context and the local style, the most prominent image of the city, but also to strive to create a theme, it features clear, with a general "sense of identity" signs of open space. We will fully consider the base of the natural features and resources climate, and strive to use minimal ecological conflict and achieve the organic integration of the natural environment and artificial environment. Representative works: Longwan ruins hawk station, museums, Guangshan County Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Park, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed rail shelterbelts, two high-tech green Lu Senlin Road, East Lake Jinghe River, ink lake frog Island mussels, Ma'anshan landscape and so on. |