Art No. B0101
Product name: aerosol spray paint / 2013 hot sale spray paint / all purpose spray paint.
1. Thermal-plastic acrylic paint
2. Convenient application
3. Perfect coverage
4. REACH,SGS certificates
Product Advantages:
1.100% acrylic resin
2. fast dry
3. be used in surface finishing and mending
4. interior-exterior use
5. Low chemical odor
6. Last for 2 years
It is made from thermoplastic acrylic resin with advanced techniques.
It Can provide films with excellent weather resistance.
Spray paint has the features of good leveling, high coverage, fast dry, rich color and high luster, better flexibility, impact enduring, strong adhesiveness, and match well with many types of paint primers.
It can be widely used in surface finishing and mending of metal, wood, glass, leather, ceramics and plastics. The films should avoid contacting with gasoline or other solvents.
450ml F1 喷漆汽车漆金属喷漆采用进口热塑性丙烯酸树脂及先进制漆技术制造;施工简便、雾化优、漆膜丰满、耐候性、硬度、柔韧性、耐冲击、附着力强、色泽持久不变等综合性能优。广泛应用于金属、木质、玻璃、皮制品、陶瓷、ABS塑胶等多种材质物体的喷涂、修补。
本公司可生产系列产品有:万能泡沫清洁剂,表板蜡,柏油清洁剂,不干胶清除剂,发动机清洗剂,轮胎光亮剂,除锈剂,化油器清洗剂,空调清洗剂,水箱宝,防冻液,全能水,机头水,洗车液,轮胎蜡,机油精,积碳净,空气清新剂,润滑油,润滑脂,刹车油,脱模剂,香体露,剃须泡沫,灭火器,车内抗菌剂,底盘装甲,刹车片清洁剂,电子清洁剂,雾清,挡风玻璃除冰剂,真皮保养剂,车蜡,镀晶,镀铬,手喷漆,杀虫剂等;欢迎来电咨询。 韩生:13686627281 QQ:81355439 |