Organic heat carrier furnace is a new kind of special boiler, also known as heat-conducting oil furnace, has the advantages of low pressure, high temperature characteristics, the heating temperature can be liquid phase is reached 350 DEG C or vapor phase 400 degrees Celsius degree. It is usually used to heat the heating of the heating process, and the heating temperature of the process can be used in the production of 150 -380.High thermal utilization rate, due to the overall installation of the module, operation and maintenance is convenient, is a safe, efficient, energy saving of the ideal choice for heating equipment. Fuel
● 低压高温热介质,调节方便,供热均匀,可以满足精确的工艺温度。
● 液相循环供热,无冷凝排放热损失,供热系统热效率高。
● 工作介质受热及放热和温度升降对体积的变化,在系统内有补偿技术措施。
● 循环供热前有严格控制工作介质内空气、水分及其他低挥发物含量的技术措施。 |