ISO 15025: 防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延测试 - 标准名称:
ISO 15025:2000 Protective clothing -- Protection against heat and flame -- Method of test for limited flame spread 防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延的测试方法
ISO 15025: 防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延测试–标准简介:
ISO 15025:2000防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延的测试方法,本标准规定一种测量垂向织物及单组分或复合成分织物制成的工业产品在小火焰条件下限制火焰蔓延的测试方法。本测试方法不适用于降解或收缩材料。从特定燃烧器的规定火焰对垂向织物样品表面或底缘燃烧。记录火焰蔓延和阴燃及碎片、燃烧碎片或洞的形态的信息。记录余焰和阴燃时间。
ISO 15025: 防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延测试-预处理条件:
- 24h of T: 20±2℃ H: 65±5%
ISO 15025: 防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延测试-相关标准:
- GB 8965-1998 阻燃防护服(只做防火性能)
- NFPA 2112-2007保护工业人员防火的耐燃性服装标准
NFPA 2112-2007 Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire (Only for clause 8.3 Flame Resistance Test)
- EN ISO 11611:2007在焊接及相关工艺中使用的防护服
EN ISO 11611:2007 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes (only for clause 6.7 flame spread (code letter A1 or A2)) (Supersede EN 470-1)
- EN ISO 11612:2008防护服-耐热和防火服装
Protective clothing— Clothing to protect against heat and flame (only for clause 6.2 Limited flame spread (code letter A1 and/or A2)) (Replaces EN 531:1995)
- EN ISO 14116-2008防护服-防火防热-限制火焰蔓延的材料, 材料组件及成衣
EN ISO 14116-2008 Protective clothing - Protection against heat and flame - Limited flame spread materials, material assemblies and clothing (Replaces EN 533:1997)
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