澳洲好精油品牌/SPA精油/玫瑰精油/保湿精油/花道精油 花道*新出了卸妆乳液,非常好用。轻轻按摩就能卸掉妆面所有的浓妆,淡妆,残妆,不需要再进行二次清洁。 200ML159元。 澳洲花道全球*棒的卸妆乳简介 ☆花道超Easy卸妆乳☆
货号:AF-365 净含量:200g 主要成分:水, 丁二醇,辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯,醇苯甲酸酯,角鲨烷,PEG-100 硬脂酸酯,脂酸酯,羟苯丙酯,丙二醇,羟苯甲酯,双(羟甲基)咪唑烷基脲,酸胆甾醇/羊毛甾醇混合酯,鲸蜡醇,精氨酸,黄原胶,卡波姆,EDTA 二钠,聚二甲基硅氧烷 特色:含有植物萃取精华,天然氨基酸与维他命C,具有优越洁净效果,免用化妆棉简单容易、速净卸妆和洁面二合一,还原美肌滋润补水,深层清洁有效清洁附着于肌肤表面的多余油脂,灰尘,残妆等物质并软化角质;绝不刺激皮肤,不紧绷、不干涩的细致触感,自然地还原粉嫩和光泽。 使用方法: 用方法:取少量压2-3泵,轻轻按摩,彩妆溶解后擦掉, 清水冲洗即可。 注意事项:适合所有肌肤、化妆人群,皮肤敏感者慎用 由澳洲花道澳大利亚CR集团有限公司授权和监制 Easy Makeup Removing Lotion
MakeupRemoving Lotion Cleanser for normal to dry sensitive skin Customized Cleansing: Quick-break lotion releases the powerfulcleansing agents to dissolve impurities and waterproof mascara. Skin Type Specific Care: Formula, infused with Plant Extract, leaves skinfeeling moisturized and protected. How is it different? Yourskin has specific cleansing needs. Garnier Clean+ cleansers are specificallyformulated for your skin type so your skin will look and feel its best. *Formulation Facts: Dermatologist tested.Ophthalmologist tested. Gentle to skin. Allergy Tested. Suitable for sensitiveskin. Howto use: Apply lotion to dry skin with fingers. Gently massageinto skin and around eyes. Remove with rinse clean with water. Use AM and PM. 招商QQ:1207634478 澳洲花道*后几天一级代理放开政策 1直接一站到底的折扣 定期活动规划 2实体与微商共建 3品牌共赢机制:一级代理介绍一级代理有10%管理津贴 4一级代理可以自主招收二级代理。 |