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供应EUP8209-42/84DIR1 供应EUP8209-42/84DIR1_深圳市迈瑞奇科技有限公司_供应EUP8209-42/84DIR1

公 司: 深圳市迈瑞奇科技有限公司
有 效 期:2019年11月04日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
马小姐 女士 (产品经理)
电  话: 0755-23085019
传  真:
手  机: 15817320556
地  址: 中国广东深圳市龙华龙胜路龙胜商住大厦605
邮  编: 518000
公 司:深圳市迈瑞奇科技有限公司



    EUP8209 2A大电流 开关型单/双节锂电池充电芯片
The EUP8209 is a constant current, constant voltage Li-Ion battery charger controller that uses a current mode PWM step-down (buck) switching architecture. With a 500kHz switching frequency, the EUP8209 provides a small, simple and efficient solution to fast charge one (4.2V) or two (8.4V) cell lithium-ion batteries.
The EUP8209 charges the battery in three phases:conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. An external sense resistor sets the charge current with ±10%
accuracy. An internal resistor pider and precision reference set the final float voltage to 4.2V per cell with ±1% accuracy. An internal comparator detects the near end-of-charge condition while an internal timer sets the total charge time and terminates the charge cycle. The EUP8209 automatically re-starts the charge if the battery voltage falls below an internal threshold, 4.05V per cell.
The EUP8209 also automatically enters sleep mode when DC supplies are removed.
The EUP8209 is available in the 8-lead SOP package

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