IPCW系列互联网+冷凝水试验箱 (新型复合材料)
condensation water test chamber (new composite material)
condensation water test chamber (new composite material)
热策科技冷凝水试验箱可以执行标准符合ISO 6270-2,DIN 50017,DIN50018及DIN EN6988 的标准完成冷凝水试验.涉及汽车公司的通用汽车,大众汽车,宝马汽车,奔驰汽车,福特汽车等企业标准:GMW 14729—B.GMW14124 Cycle A,C,D,E,G,J,K,O,U,v部分.TL226 3.11.1.及GB国标中试验条件对测试材料例如汽车涂料、汽车内饰、钢材等进行抗腐蚀能力的测试。
RECE condensation water test chamber can perform condensation water test under the standards of ISO 6270-2, DIN 50017, DIN 50018 as well as DIN EN6988, which cover the company standards of GM, VW, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and FORD, including GMW 14729-B, GMW 14124 Cycle A, C, D, E, G, J, K, O, U, V sections, TL226 3.11.1 and the GB test conditions on corrosion resistance capacity of test materials, such as automobile coatings, automotive trim, steel, etc.
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