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供应Newport 2832C光功率计 供应Newport 2832C光功率计_深圳市瑞明通讯设备有限公司_供应Newport 2832C光功率计

公 司: 深圳市瑞明通讯设备有限公司
有 效 期:2017年09月28日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
张小姐 女士 (销售)
电  话: 0755 23990060
传  真:
手  机: 13600160663
地  址: 中国广东深圳市福田区福民路86号博伦花园2-603
邮  编: 518048
公 司:深圳市瑞明通讯设备有限公司



    Newport 2832C (2832-c) Dual-Channel High-Precision Optical Power Meter

Description: Dual-Channel High-Precision Optical Power Meter

The Newport 2832-C Dual-Channel Optical Power Meter is for optical measurements that require two channels, high-precision, and fast data acquisition. Single- and dual-channel operations are supported, with channels displayed individually or simultaneously in dual-channel operation. The power sensitivity ranges from 100 fW–2W over a wavelength range of 0.19–1.8 μm. The unit is compatible with Newport’s 818 Series silicon, germanium, and indium gallium arsenide detectors, and a wide variety of accessories for measuring bare or connectorized fiber or free space light sources. Measurements can be made in W, A, dBm, dB or relative units. These may be displayed directly or as relative ratio measurements from present or stored values. Moving statistical measurements permit you to compute moving statistics for 1 to 100 measurements with Min, Max, Max-Min, Mean, and Standard Deviation. You may also select from many programming features such as sampling frequency and precision,digital and analog filtering, and data storage of up to 1000 readings per channel. Includes both RS-232C and IEEE-488 interfaces. Specifications. Display: 6-digit vacuum fluorescent. Sampling Resolution: 20,000 count <=25 Hz, 4096 count <=1 kHz. Gain Ranges: Up to 7 decades. Current Sensitivity (full-scale): 2.5 nA–2.5 mA. Resolution: 100 fA. Sampling Rate: Up to 1 kHz single-channel, Up to 500 Hz dual-channel. Bandwidth: (-3 dB) DC to 47 kHz. Analog Output: 0–2.5 V into 50 ohms. DC Accuracy: <±0.1% typical

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