00-115-489 PC with MFC2, standard, with motherboard SY-7VBA 133U
00-123-102 CR PC with MFC2B, 256MB, DSE-IBS-C33
00-116-255 PC IGM with MFC2 128 MB without hard drive
◆ QQ 3498548425
◇ Tel 0592-6039239
◆ Mobile 18059892106(微信号与电话相同)
◇ E-mail 3498548425@qq.com
◆ Fax 0592-5072083 请备注胡小姐收
00-118-368 PC with MFC2 256 MB 7VBA, 733 MHz without hard drive drawer BMW E60
00-117-560 PC with MFC2, 733 MHz, 128 MB, DSE Interbus C33
00-119-976 PC with MFC2 128MB DSE-IBS-C33+AUX C33
00-120-086 PC ISRA 1
00-120-087 PC ISRA 2
00-121-927 PC with MFC2a 256MB, DSE-IBS-C33
00-121-154 PC with MFC2, 733 MHz, 256 MB, DSE Interbus C33
00-123-879 MFC2 with DSE Interbus C33 (replacement part)
00-108-766 MFC 2
00-117-336 DSE-Interbus-C33
00-108-313 DSE Interbus 3N 2MB
00-112-102 MFC2 + DSE Interbus 3N
00-123-998 PC fan assembly
00-105-904 PC power supply
00-128-506 KPC2004 HDD, shock-protected design, assembly
00-114-973 Motherboard SY-7VBA 133U
00-114-972 CPU Intel Celeron TM PPGA 733 MHz
00-110-615 Memory 128 MB (SDRAM)
00-128-456 KVGA 2.0 PCI
00-125-236 MFC 2
00-108-313 DSE Interbus 3N 2M |