专业激光模切机参数 高速激光模切机价格
激光模切机开始逐渐发展起来,它主要是利用激光的高热能量对模切板进行高深度烧蚀形成刀缝,其割缝准直,缝宽一致,全自动化作业,成本低、效率高,是替代传统制作模切板的*好选择,可用于各种模型的裁剪、切割,因此被广泛应用于各行业。Laser die cutting machine started to develop, it is using laser heat energy to die cutting the deep plate, the slotted collimation, slit width is consistent, fully automated operation, low cost, high efficiency, it is the best choice to replace traditional die cutting plate, and it can be applied to various models of cutting, therefore widely used in various industries.
The advantage of HDS laser die cutting machines is
1、高品质、精度高:激光模切机属于全自动激光切割,无震动偏差,精度高且稳定。其制作模切板由计算机控制,精度可达±0 05mm,并且不受图形复杂程度的限制,所以切割出来的多联板、异型板及两边无杂色模切板制成品非常精美
.哈德胜精密科技///专业激光模切机参数 高速激光模切机价格 |