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验收防水材料的施工的标准 验收防水材料的施工的标准_山东创伟外墙保温材料有限公司_验收防水材料的施工的标准

公 司: 山东创伟外墙保温材料有限公司
有 效 期:2017年07月08日
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  联系信息 企业信息
杨经理 先生 (经理)
电  话: 0531-88811119-618
传  真: 0531-88986008
手  机: 15553166931
地  址: 中国山东济南市 地 址:山东省济南市历城区开源路615号
邮  编: 250000
公 司:山东创伟外墙保温材料有限公司



The general situation of the construction is the root or part of Shandong roofing waterproof materials, sampling watering treatment, extraction quantity to exceed the roof flashing 1/3, watering time not less than one hour, if there is no leakage even qualified. However, if there is leakage, it is necessary to extract the number of double test, if there is leakage, it should be all water for testing.
General wall of Shandong waterproof material treatment is highly recommended not less than 20cm, the lower end of the need to use fine stone concrete wall pad, the height of the wall mat can not be less than 100mm, which is the most basic requirements for wall waterproofing. For the acceptance of the wall, it is recommended to take the water test, in 3 to 4 minutes of continuous spray, if the wall does not appear even if the penetration phenomenon.
一般在卫生间的山东防水材料施工完毕后,先将卫生间的下水口堵死,然后在门口位置垒一个15cm高的坎,*后再在卫生间灌入15cm左右的水。验收时间 是在24个小时之后,这个时候再去检查四周墙面以及地面是否出现渗漏现象,时间一定要把握好,这是保证卫生间山东防水材料施工能否有效的关键之处。
General in the bathroom after Shandong construction of waterproof material, the sewer blocked the toilet, and then at the gate location to base a 15cm high ridge, then poured into the toilet in the water 15cm. Acceptance time is after 24 hours, this time to check the surrounding walls and whether the ground leakage phenomenon, must grasp the time

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