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供应工程车辆 清洗平台丰台区、通州区安装调试好 付款 供应工程车辆 清洗平台丰台区、通州区安装调试好 付款_天津市东丽区莱利特机电设备商行_供应工程车辆 清洗平台丰台区、通州区安装调试好 付款

公 司: 天津市东丽区莱利特机电设备商行
有 效 期:2017年10月24日
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  联系信息 企业信息
许树艳 先生 (销售主管)
电  话: 022-24390694
传  真: 022-24390694
手  机: 13468694100
地  址: 中国天津东丽区 天津市东丽区莱利特机电设备商行
邮  编: 300000
公 司:天津市东丽区莱利特机电设备商行



    To the various departments of the road, washing machine with mechanical automatic induction type, remote control and manual control of the three, can automatically complete the washing work, washing water can be recycled, continuous work, only need to add a small amount of water, so it can save a lot of water resources. The utility model is especially suitable for the cleaning of the vehicle in and out of various construction sites, mining workshops, cement products factories, coal mines, power plants, waste landfill plants, high-grade communities, etc., so as to achieve the excellent engineering without dust pollution.
The main features of automatic car washer:
1, automatic cleaning, without manual operation;
2, cleaning time is short, 50 seconds to clean up;
3, energy saving and environmental protection water recycling, water conservation;
4, the cleaning machine is split, can block the installation and disassembly, may at any time transfer;
5, transportation installation is simple, 2 hours can be put into use;
6, completely solve the pollution of engineering vehicles on urban roads;
7, unique shape, classic design;
8, optional automatic mud discharge;
9, professional anti rust treatment, durable;
10, washing machine control system is divided into mechanical automatic induction type, remote control, manual three, easy to operate

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:许树艳 电话:022-24390694

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