Ear Tags Elastollan ear tags for the identification of livestock last a lifetime. Weather resistant, flexible and with high tear resistance, they are also suitable for bar coding and attachment of electronic chips.动物耳标:长寿命, 耐侯, 弹性抗撕裂, 还可印刷条形码或安装电子芯片 Sorting During harvesting crops are cleaned of adhering soil and carefully graded using flexible Elastollan sorting components.收割机用筛选器:柔韧耐磨的ELASTOLLAN意味着更长的使用寿命.
Properties: 性能
abrasion-resistant 耐磨
notched impact strength 缺口冲击强度
rigid 坚韧
flexible at low temperature 低温柔韧
good resilience 回弹性好
flexural strength 曲折强度
elastic 弹性
Hardness: 55 Shore A to 74 Shore D. 硬度:55A-74D |