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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 电子元器件 >> 集成电路(IC) >> 供应12V高电压发射芯片F115H SYNOXO射频IC
供应12V高电压发射芯片F115H SYNOXO射频IC 供应12V高电压发射芯片F115H SYNOXO射频IC_深圳市晶美润科技有限公司_供应12V高电压发射芯片F115H SYNOXO射频IC

公 司: 深圳市晶美润科技有限公司
有 效 期:2025年04月15日
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  联系信息 企业信息
方先生 先生 (业务)
电  话: 0755-23915422
传  真:
手  机: 13302936478
地  址: 中国广东深圳市车公庙泰然八路深业泰然大厦C区1407室
邮  编:
公 司:深圳市晶美润科技有限公司



    12V High Voltage Supply Internal LDO Regulator 300MHz to 450MHz Frequency Range Data Rates up to 10kbps ASK Output Power to 17dBm on 50ohm load Low external part count SOT23-6 Package Type The F115H is a high voltage supply, high performance,internal 3V LDO regulator output, single chip ASK transmitter IC for remoter wireless applications in the 300 to 450MHz frequency band. This transmitter IC is a true “data-in, antenna-out”monolithic device, in terms of power, the F115H is capable of delivering 17dBm into a 50ohm load(matched). In the terms of operating voltage, the F115H operates from 5V to 14V. In the terms of internal LDO regulator, the regulator can output 3V voltage supply for encode ICs or MCU, and up to 60mA load current with external 1uF capacitor when 12V input Voltage. The F115H is easy to use, it requires a reference frequency (RF carrier frequency divide by 32 times)generated from a crystal without external capacitor. No external matching network components for PCB antenna application. The F115H operates with ASK/OOK UHF receiver types from wide-band super-regenerative radios to narrow-band, high performance super-heterodyne receivers. The F115H’s maximum ASK data rate is 10kbps. The ASK data voltage should be under 3.

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