IC,IC-F 和CA80 CA135测试的条件有差异
CA80: Type CA 80,closed abutted,recessed luminaire where fixed,building insulating material that can safely be exposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C must not cover but may chosely abut the sides of the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting,be clearly visible,at least 20mm high and clearly legible.
IC:Type IC recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be esposed continuously to temperatures up to 90°C may baut and cover the luminaire. The symbol shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting,be clearly visible,at least 20mm high and clesrly legible.
IC-F:Type IC-F recessed luminaire where building insulation that can safely be
exposed continuously to 90°C may abut or cover the luminaire. The symbol
shall be permanently marked on the back of the fitting, be clearly visible, at
least 20 mm high and clearly legible. Resistant to ingress of external matter.
新西兰照明委员会CA80认证技术支持,提供LED灯CA80预测试服务。CA80是新西兰照明委员会针对LED照明灯具特别推出的一项产品标识认证。凡符合CA80或CA135要求的LED灯具产品,均可享受到新西兰的政府补贴。 LED筒灯CA80|CA135|IC|IC-F防火等级测试根据标准AS/NZS 60598.2.2:2001标准的附录标准。
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