Canteen - canteen consumption this device manufacturers - 433 wireless inductor school canteen machine
Product features:
Pieces run in Win98/2000 / XP operating system platform.
Digital display, large screen, can expand the human voice to read, easy to operate, direct display.
Double ultra bright LED display, double-sided can view the content at the same time, convenient, direct display of statistics.
Support induction IC card, using today's most advanced radio frequency identification technology, the card number only, encryption performance is good, long service life (10 years).
Mixer machine dust, prevent oil, anti-static, can work under all kinds of harsh environment use; Totally enclosed design, high strength silica gel digital type main key, feel is good, longer life.
Communication USES: bus can adopt RS485 communication or TCP/IP communications and wireless communications, data accuracy is higher, more convenient, avoided by ?
◆ 运行于Win98/2000/XP操作系统平台。
◆ 数字显示、屏幕大,可拓展真人语音报读,操作方便,显示直观。
◆ 双面LED超亮显示,双面可同时查看显示内容,统计方便、显示直观。
◆ 支持感应式IC卡,采用当今*先进的射频技术识别,卡号唯一,加密性能好,使用寿命长(10年以上)。
◆ 卡机防尘、防油污、防静电,能在各种恶劣的环境下工作使用;采用全封闭设计,高强度硅胶电脑式按键,使用手感好、寿命更长。
◆ 通讯采用:总线可采用RS485通讯或TCP/IP通讯及无线通讯,使数据的准确性更高,更加方便,避免了由于读写不正确及其它因素而造成的数据流失;也可以实现实时通讯功能,使数据实时存储到数据库中,以便及时查询数据。
◆ 设备经久耐用、数据加密,有效防止非本单位感应卡流通使用。
◆ 操作简单:按‘统计’可显示当前消费机消费的总金额和总次数。
◆ 功能齐全: 除了查询功能外,操作时消费额可带小数位且可以对当前输入的消费额进行相加的操作,方便收银员的记账。
◆ 方便查询:只要把卡放在感应区就可以在消费机上显示当前余额,保证数据的准确性。
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