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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 仪器仪表 >> 电子测量仪器 >> 供应德国PMK大黄锋 400MHZ高压差分探头6KV
供应德国PMK大黄锋 400MHZ高压差分探头6KV 供应德国PMK大黄锋 400MHZ高压差分探头6KV_长沙力高捷创仪器有限公司_供应德国PMK大黄锋 400MHZ高压差分探头6KV

公 司: 长沙力高捷创仪器有限公司
有 效 期:2025年04月23日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
吴玉进 先生 (销售经理)
电  话: 0731-85260926
传  真: 0731-85263946
手  机: 18665876229
地  址: 中国湖南长沙市雨花区环保中路289号长沙屿A3栋1015室
邮  编: 410007
公 司:长沙力高捷创仪器有限公司



    产品简介:BumbleBee® is a 400 MHz, 2 kV CAT III high-voltage, differential probe, that can be used with any oscilloscope or device providing 50 Ω termination.
BumbleBee® Differential Probe 

■ 400 MHz Bandwidth
■ 1 kV CAT III
■ high CMRR

BumbleBee® Differential Probe |高性能差分探头  - *高6KV 400MHZ
with PS-02 Power Supply
BumbleBee® is a 400 MHz, 1 kV CAT III high-voltage, differential probe, that can be used with any
oscilloscope or device providing 50 Ω termination. The probe is very effective in power device evaluation such as measurements in IGBT circuits used in design of motor drives, switching power supplies and
frequency converters.
BumbleBee® is also very effective in fast transient measurements with bandwidths up to 400 MHz.
It provides a 4-mode-attenuation which allows higher resolution measurements. The probe provides overload indicators for each channel as well as the differential output. They make it easy to observe, if the probe is working in the specified range.
The probe also provides an active offset correction in a range of ±3 V, related to the output voltage, with a resolution of 15 Bit. Utilizing lowest ppm components available, the probe offers exceptional stability.
Especially long term measurements profit from such low drifts at varying temperatures.
Another feature is the probechannel identifier, providing a channel indicator LED

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