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RFID Card&Equitment RFID Card&Equitment_武汉嘉琦瑞发卡科技有限公司_RFID Card&Equitment

公 司: 武汉嘉琦瑞发卡科技有限公司
有 效 期:2018年04月23日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
Rose TU 女士 (销售)
电  话: 86-27-82300688
传  真: 86-27-82340460
手  机: 18607196276
地  址: 中国湖北武汉市江岸区解放大道丹水池
邮  编: 430013
公 司:武汉嘉琦瑞发卡科技有限公司



    CNJACKY since 2000, which specializes in reaching, developing and manufacturing smart card making equipments. Equipped with the advanced production lines, professional R&D team and strict quality control system, CNJACKY keeps good reputation on excellent quality, customer focus service.and competitive prices.
CNJACKY always insists on "honesty first, professionalconcentration, in pursuit of excellent and service forever", and dedicates in technology innovation and product development.It has researched and developed kinds of production equipments for plastic and paper card, contact and contactless IC cards, double-interfaced cards,printing business card. The company always takes the lead in the industry especially in terms of automatic punching machine,automatic card packing machine, automatic IC slot milling machine and automatic chip implanting machines. Its products are highly recognized by the oversea and domestic customers for excellent qualities and reasonable prices

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:Rose TU 电话:86-27-82300688

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