Clocks and Power ManagementThe digital core and peripherals are powered by a 1.8-V low-dropout voltage regulator. It provides powermanagement functionality that enables low-power operation for long battery life using different power modes.Five different reset sources exist to reset the device.PeripheralsThe CC2533 includes many different peripherals that allow the application designer to develop advancedapplications.The debug interface implements a proprietary two-wire serial interface that is used for in-circuit debugging.Through this debug interface, it is possible to perform an erasure of the entire flash memory, control whichoscillators are enabled, stop and start execution of the user program, execute supplied instructions on the 8051core, set code breakpoints, and single-step through instructions in the code. Using these techniques, it ispossible to perform in-circuit debugging and external flash programming elegantly.The device contains flash memory for storage of program code. The flash memory is programmable from theuser software and through the debug interface. The flash controller handles writing and erasing the embeddedflash memory. The flash controller allows page-wise erasure and 4-bytewise programming.The I/O controller is responsible for all general-purpose I/O pins. The CPU can configure whether peripheralmodules control certain pins or whether they are under software control, and if so, whether each pin is configuredas an input or output and if a pullup or pulldown resistor in the pad is connected. CPU interrupts can be enabledon each pin individually. Each peripheral that connects to the I/O pins can choose between two different I/O pinlocations to ensure flexibility in various applications |