M0, M1 SARAMsAll devices contain these two blocks of single-access memory, each 1K x 16 in size. The stack pointerpoints to the beginning of block M1 on reset. The M0 and M1 blocks, like all other memory blocks on C28xdevices, are mapped to both program and data space. Hence, the user can use M0 and M1 to executecode or for data variables. The partitioning is performed within the linker. The C28x device presents aunified memory map to the programmer. This makes for easier programming in high-level languages.2.5.9L4 SARAM, and L0, L1, L2, L3, L5, L6, L7, and L8 DPSARAMsThe device contains up to 48K x 16 of single-access RAM. To ascertain the exact size for a given device,see the device-specific memory map figures in Section 2.2. This block is mapped to both program anddata space. L0 is 2K in size. L1 and L2 are each 1K in size. L3 is 4K in size. L4, L5, L6, L7, and L8 areeach 8K in size. L0, L1, and L2 are shared with the CLA, which can utilize these blocks for its data space.L3 is shared with the CLA, which can utilize this block for its program space. L5, L6, L7, and L8 areshared with the DMA, which can utilize these blocks for its data space. DPSARAM refers to the dual-portconfiguration of these blocks.2.5.10 Boot ROMThe Boot ROM is factory-programmed with boot-loading software. Boot-mode signals are provided to tellthe bootloader software what boot mode to use on power up. The user can select to boot normally or todownload new software from an external connection or to select boot software that is programmed in theinternal Flash/ROM. The Boot ROM also contains standard tables, such as SIN/COS waveforms, for usein math-related algorithms |