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Production line for VIP sealing Production line for VIP sealing_广东振华科技股份有限公司_Production line for VIP sealing

公 司: 广东振华科技股份有限公司
有 效 期:2018年07月30日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
李伟 先生 (销售)
电  话: 0758-2787581
传  真: 0758-2787698
手  机: 13929890858
地  址: 中国广东肇庆市肇庆市肇庆大道西云桂路振华工业园
邮  编: 526000
公 司:广东振华科技股份有限公司



    Horizontal continuous production line for VIP vacuum insulated panel sealing

Our company produces various models of production line for vacuum insulated panel (VIP) as per customer’s technical requirements, enabling to meet their actual demands.
Model XF2000-V/S production line for VIP/STP vacuum insulated panel with structure of the world's first horizontal continuous production line, with features of stable good quality and high efficiency, is an exclusive one in the world and it can achieve the capacity of 8 pieces per minute of VIP/STP panels sized 600X400X65mm.(Specifications of VIP/STP panels can be made as per customers specific demands and requirements. The maximum VIP/STP panel size 1500mmX2000mmX55mm.).
Vacuum insulated panel (referred to as VIP in short form) is a newly developed efficient insulation material in recent years with very low thermal conductivity. Its structure consists of 3 parts as insulation material in the core, gas collecting material called Getter and membrane walls used to prevent air from entering the panel called Barrier. It is made by the principle of vacuum insulation through powerful evacuation with vacuum pumps to realize the maximum internal vacuum pressure to prevent heat conduction, which can effectively avoid the three ways as conduction, convection and radiation to achieve insulation and energy-saving purposes.
Vacuum insulated panel, one of the vacuum insulation material with low thermal conductivity and excellent properties of thermal insulation and environmental protection, is currently the world's most efficient insulation products. It is a perfect substitute for traditional insulation material and products, extensively used in refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, refrigerated containers, building materials for facades or exterior walls. Its thermal conductivity can be achieved less than 1.5mw/m.k.
China Guangdong PVD Metallizer Co.

Alex Li
Mobile: +86 13929890858

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