泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂是国内较早从事生产柴油喷油泵试验台 高压油泵喷油器试验台及电喷高压共轨泵喷油器一体机试验台几个钟电控泵仪表的厂家,近些年来,公司根据市场实际需求,加大了对电喷维修检测技术的培训力度;之前用户理解的校泵工不休电路,电路师傅不修理油泵思维,彻底被我司颠覆;目前精达动力给退出购买我们公司电喷设备免费学习电喷技术,终身为用户提供电喷技术指导及数据更新,精达动力公司与共轨之家 ,南岳亚新科 无锡威孚等大型电喷泵喷油器生产研发企业及技术平台合作,从事多年电喷专家讲课及实践手把手教学,精达动力公司自创电喷数据流,让用户看数据动电喷。电喷共轨技术是指高压油泵、压力传感器和ECU组成的闭环系统中,将喷射压力的产生和喷射过程彼此完全分开的一种供油方式,由高压油泵把高压燃油输送到公共供油管,通过对公共供油管内的油压实现准确控制,使高压油管压力大小与发动机的转速无关,可以大幅度减小柴油机供油压力随发动机转速的变化,因此也就减少了传统柴油机的缺陷。ECU控制喷油器的喷油量,喷油量大小取决于燃油轨(公共供油管)压力和电磁阀开启时间的长短。 共轨系统将燃油压力产生和燃油喷射分离开来,如果把单体泵柴油喷射技术比做柴油技术的革命的话,那共轨就可以称作反叛了,因为它背离了传统的柴油系统而近似于顺序汽油喷射系统。共轨系统开辟了降低柴油发动机排放和噪音的新途径,。Common Rail electronic injection technology is a kind of oil supply method that completely separates the generation of injection pressure and the injection process in the closed loop system composed of high-pressure oil pump, pressure sensor and electronic control unit (ECU). It is delivered by high Pressure oil pump to the public oil supply pipe (Rail), through the public oil supply pipe oil Pressure to achieve precise control, so that the high Pressure oil pipe Pressure is independent of the engine speed, can greatly reduce the diesel engine oil Pressure with the engine speed change degree.Common rail technology refers to the high pressure oil pump, pressure sensor and the closed-loop system is composed of ECU, the injection pressure and injection process completely separated from each other a way of oil supply, by the high |
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