泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂生产各种电喷柴喷油泵喷油器试验台,CRS618 CRS3000D喷油嘴电磁阀 安全阀测试台,CRS825电喷卡特泵C7C9HEUI中压机油喷油泵喷油器一体机检测设备一,功能与特性:1,全自动检测BOSCH,DELPHI,DENSO,SIEMENS等各种品牌型号的电磁式喷油器及压电式喷油器。2,自动检测所有13854822395高压共轨泵。3,全自动检测所有促动泵。4,自动检测DENSO HP0 泵5,自动检测BOSCH,CAT,CUMIMINS,DELPHI,Benz,Volvo等各种型号泵喷嘴和单体泵,以及双电磁阀喷油器。(选配)6,自动检测CAT C7/C9/C-9/C3126/3408等中压共轨喷油器(HEUI)。(7,全自动检测BOSCH VP44泵。8,自动检测BOSCH电控VE泵。9,可根据客户等需求定制和开发不同和应用程序。二,主要配置:1,嵌入式工业电脑系统,彩色液晶触摸屏控制,操作方便,性能稳定。2,系统内存各种喷油器和油泵的标准数据。3,随机配置BOSCH CP3油泵。4,配置BOSCH DRV阀,压力范围0-2400bar.轨压精度+,- 0,5bar.5,准确度高的流量传感器,流量范围0.008-4L/min.精度0.3%。6,标准型凸轮驱动装置。I. functions and features:1, automatic detection of BOSCH, DELPHI, DENSO unit, SIEMENS and other brand models of electromagnetic injector and piezoelectric injectors.2. Automatic detection of all high pressure common rail pumps.3. Fully automatic detection of all actuating pumps.4, automatic detection of the DENSO HP0 pump5, automatic detection of BOSCH, CAT, CUMIMINS, DELPHI, Benz, Volvo and other various types of pump pump, nozzle and monomer and double solenoid valve injector. (optional)6, automatic detection of CAT C7/C9/ c-9 / c3126/3408 medium pressure common rail injector (HEUI). (7. Automatic detection of BOSCH VP44 pump.8. Automatic detection of BOSCH electronically controlled VE pump.9, can be customized and developed according to the needs of customers and other applications.Ii. Main configuration:1, embedded industrial computer system, color LCD touch screen control, easy to operate, stable performance.2. System memory standard data of various injectors and pumps.3. BOSCH CP3 oil pump is randomly configured.4. BOSCH DRV valve, pressure range 0-2400bar. Rail pressure accuracy +, -0,5 |