首先,这这和产品有关,日本经济产业省备案分类表中有20大类400多小类,如果属于这里面产品,则需要METI 备案才能正常在日本销售。
有些产品,如蓝牙音响,这类产品只需做TELEC认证就好了,但是产品中含有电池,电池在METI里属须备案范围,所以蓝牙音响除TELEC 认证外,还需要PSE 认证及METI备案。
Dear Seller,
We are contacting you because you are selling products that require approval process. Amazon.co.jp strives to improve its services so that our customers can shop safely and with confidence on our site. As a part of such efforts, Amazon is implementing an approval process to confirm that Products type offered on our site complies with the safety requirements under applicable laws or Safety standards.
If you wish to continue selling the products on our site, please submit the following information to us by due date from the email address that you have received this email. Please note that your offers will be removed from our site if you do not provide such information by the above due date |