Import valve or gate valve gate valve, also known as, it is the rise and fall through the gate to open and close the control valve, gate perpendicular to the flow direction, changing the relative position between the gate and the seat can change the channel size. Valve can only be fully open and fully closed, not suitable for regulation and throttle. Gate has two sealing surfaces, the most commonly used wedge gate valve sealing surface to form two wedge-shaped, wedge angle parameters vary with the valve. Valve closed, the sealing surface can only rely on pressure to seal the media, that media pressure will depend on the sealing surface pressure gate to the other side of the seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal, which is self-sealing. Most of the valve is sealed using force, that the valve is closed, forced to rely on external ram pressure to the valve seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal.
传动方式: 手动、正齿轮、伞齿轮、气动、电动。
工作压力: 1.6-32MPA。
介质温度: -40℃≈550℃。
阀门口径 :DN15-DN600。
阀体材质: 铸铁、铸钢、不锈钢、锻钢、铬钼钢、铬钼钒钢、黄铜等。
填 料:PTFE。
阀杆材质: 不锈钢
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