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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 电子元器件 >> 集成电路(IC) >> 供应G693L263TCUF-手动复位输入电压监视器
供应G693L263TCUF-手动复位输入电压监视器 供应G693L263TCUF-手动复位输入电压监视器_深圳市科瑞芯电子有限公司_供应G693L263TCUF-手动复位输入电压监视器

公 司: 深圳市科瑞芯电子有限公司
有 效 期:2024年10月19日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
颜昌奇 先生 (销售工程师)
电  话: 0755-82170220
传  真: 0755-82197721
手  机: 13925219291
地  址: 中国广东深圳市宝安区民治梅龙路南源商业大厦1002室
邮  编: 518000
公 司:深圳市科瑞芯电子有限公司



    致新GMT G693L263TCUF SOT-143

General Description
The G692/G693 are microprocessor (μP) supervisory
circuits used to monitor the power supplies in μP and
digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reliability
and low cost by eliminating external components and
adjustments when used with +5V, +3.3V, +3.0V- powered
circuits. The G692/G693 also provides a debounced
manual reset input.
These circuits perform a single function: they assert a
reset signal whenever the VCC supply voltage declines
below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at
least 230ms after VCC has risen above the reset
threshold. Reset thresholds suitable for operation with
a variety of supply voltages are available.
The G693L has an open-drain output stage, while the
G692 have push-pull outputs. The G693L’s open-drain
RESET output requires a pull-up resistor that can be
connected to a voltage higher than VCC.
The G692L have an active-low RESET output, while
the G692H has an active-high RESET output. The reset
comparator is designed to ignore fast transients on
VCC, and the outputs are guaranteed to be in the correct
logic state for VCC down to 1V.
Low supply current makes the G692/G693 ideal for use
in portable equipment. The G692/G693 are available in
a SOT-143, SC-70-5(SOT-353), SOT-23-5 packages

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