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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 机械及行业设备 >> 食品饮料加工设备 >> 供应进口玻璃钢潜水推流器
供应进口玻璃钢潜水推流器 供应进口玻璃钢潜水推流器_上海凡而阀门有限公司_供应进口玻璃钢潜水推流器

公 司: 上海凡而阀门有限公司
有 效 期:2024年01月09日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
陈丙辉 先生 (销售经理)
电  话: 021-69575760
传  真: 021-54233935
手  机: 13917909444
地  址: 中国上海徐汇区上海市徐汇区上海市徐汇区龙漕路51弄
邮  编: 200235
公 司:上海凡而阀门有限公司




进口玻璃钢潜水推流器Imported FRP submersible thruster

Product Description:

For the submersible thruster, the lifting device is fixed on the installation foundation of the pool surface, the sliding guide rail is fixed with the connecting plate and the installation foundation of the pool bottom, the cross beam of the coupling seat is fixed with the sliding guide rail, the support of the coupling seat is fixed with the cross beam of the coupling seat and the installation foundation of the pool bottom, the vertical spacing between the front coupling seat and the rear coupling seat is fixed on the cross beam of the coupling seat, the rear end of the main engine of the submersible thruster is provided with a tail wing, and the front end is provided with a lifting point, The lifting point is in front of the gravity center point of the main engine of the submersible thruster. The tail wing includes two wings. The front end between the tail wings is provided with a rail pulley and a load pulley, and the rear end between the tail wings is provided with a limit pulley. The two wings and three pulleys of the tail wing form a connecting sliding cavity. The sliding track is embedded in the sliding cavity. The tail wing and the sliding track are in the state of moving pair, the pulley and the sliding track are in the state of moving pair and rotating pair at the same time, and the tail wing, pulley and sliding track form a sliding structure It is embedded and moving.


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