本品是专为手部重油污而研制的专利产品,由天然环保 成分和表面活性剂所组成,使油污迅速脱离皮肤表面, 达到彻底清除油污的效果, 洗后呈现干净利爽、不粘不沾。高含量的有效成分和优秀的清洁力,具有速度快、用量少,效果好的显著特点。特效滋润修复护理,选用高渗透天然护理精华,其优越的滋润修复能力,在洗净油污的同时提供手部温和细心的护理,同时修复防止手部的皲裂和粗糙。
The drug is designed for hand-oil products and patents developed by the environmental components of natural surfactant and by the composition of the oil from the skin surface quickly, to completely wipe out the effect of oil, after cleaning showed clean refreshing, non-stick is not soiled.
液体500g/瓶,1加仑/桶 |