金属齿形垫片 一般用精密的车床在金属不锈钢平垫片的二面加工成同心的沟槽,根据不同的介质,可选择柔性石墨、PTFE、无石棉板或其它一些软金属,粘贴在垫片的二面。也可不带密封层直接使用,且能直到良好的密封效果,但在高压场合中容易对法兰的表面造成损失。
TD-KF710 Kammprofile gasket the gasket consist of a metal core, generally stainless steel with concentric grooves on both sides. A sealing layer is usually applied on either side and depending on the service duty the material for this layer can be expanded graphite, PTFE, Asbestos free gasket sheeting materials or some soft metal. It can be used without sealing layers to provide an excellent sealing but there is a risk of flange surface damage especially at high seating pressure.
TD-KF710 基本型金属齿形垫 Basic Type Kammprofile Gasket
TD-KF710JR 带外环金属齿形垫(整体式) Kammprofile Gasket with integral Outer Ring
TD-KF710 SJ 带外环金属齿形垫(分体式) Kammprofile Gasket with Loose Outer Ring
在较低的预紧力下使用是首先的垫片,表面柔软的密封层避免了金属对金属的直接接触,且能可靠、紧密的结合,保护了金属法兰不被损伤,即使在极高的载荷下。齿形组合垫尤其适合于高温、高压,工况条件交变的场合,在热交换器、容器、反应釜的法兰连接处,是传统金属包覆垫片的理想替代品。压力使用范围:6.4~25Mpa |