Model ZPT-10Automatic Dummy Machine is sutable in hotdls and laundering and dyeing shops for fine pressing os superb garments such as coats ,suits ,jachets ,tunic suits and wool uniforms
型号 Model ZPT-10
鼓风时间(s) Rated capacity 2-40
蒸汽时间(v) Steaming period 2-40
电源(v) Power supopoy 380-22±5%
机机电动功率(w) Blower motor power 750
整机额定功率(kw) Unit Rated power 850
配套电加热发生器功率(kw) Eiectrical Heat Gengerator power ≧12
配套蒸汽工作压力(mpa) Stesm working pressure 0.4-0.5
蒸汽消耗量(kg/h) Steam consumption 10-15
工作人像尺寸(mm) Dummy Dimension 1300*1300(可定做)
外形尺寸(mm) Dimension ()L.W.H) 1350*800*1600
整机重量(kg) Total weight 105 |