1.1 Features
Item Standard Value
Display Type 16(Character) *4(ROW)
LCD Type STN,Positive
Driver Condition LCD Module : 1/16Duty , 1/5Bias
Viewing Direction 6 O’clock
Backlight Type Yellow/Green LED B/L
Interface 8Bits data bus
Driver IC ST7066 , ST7065
1.2 Mechanical Specifications
Item Standard Value Unit
Outline Dimension 60.0 (W) *70.6(L) * 8.4(H)(Max) mm
Viewing Area 32.6 (W) * 60(L) mm
Active Area 20.8 (W) * 56.2 L) mm
Dot Size 0.55(W) * 0.55 (L) mm
Dot Pitch 0.60 (W) * 0.60(L) mm
1.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Item Symbol Condition Min. Max. Unit
System Power Supply Voltage VDD - -0.3 5.0 V
LCD Driver Supply Voltage VOUTIN - - 4.5 V
Input Voltage VIN - -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
Operating Temperature TOP - -20 70 °C
Storage Temperature TST - -30 80 °C
Storage Humidity HD Ta < 40 °C 20 90 %RH
1.4 Interface Pin Description
Pin No. Symbol Function
1 GND Ground
2 VDD Power supply input for driver IC (+5.0V).
3 V0 LCD operation voltage test pin.
4 RS Data and control register select input
H : D0 to D7 are display data.
L : D0 to D7 are control data.
5 R/W Write signal input, active “ L “
6 E Enable signal input, active “H”→“ L “
7 DB0 Data bus bit 0
8 DB1 Data bus bit 1
9 DB2 Data bus bit 2
10 DB3 Data bus bit 3
11 DB4 Data bus bit 4
12 DB5 Data bus bit 5
13 DB6 Data bus bit 6
14 DB7 Data bus bit 7
15 LED_A 4.0V Power supply anode input for backlight Imax=100mA
16 LED_K 0V GND |
![](http://img.qy6.com.cn/images/noimg.gif) |