[中文名称] 刺蒺藜提取物
[英文名称] Tribulus Terrestris Extract
[植物来源] 为蒺藜科植物蒺藜TribulusterrestrisL.的果实
[主要成分] 刺蒺藜皂甙,原薯蓣皂甙等。
[规格] 40% 90% 98%
[检测方法] UV
[CAS NO.] 22153-44-2
[提取溶剂] 乙醇和水
[功效] 平肝解郁,活血祛风,明目,止痒。用于头痛眩晕,胸胁胀痛、乳闭乳痛等。应用于:滑肌痉挛或绞痛、壮阳剂、增进肌肉强壮、降低胆固醇、减轻结石疾病和泌尿系统紊乱、治疗瘙痒顽癣等。
[包装方式] 25公斤/纸板桶或者按照客户要求。
[保质期] 2年。取完后的刺蒺藜提取物请立即将袋子封好,如果是胶囊,请立即将瓶盖旋紧。由于本品极易吸潮,如有发现刺蒺藜提取物出现小块状和小颗粒不是特别多,可将继续服用。如果比较多,建议停止服用。请您将密封好的刺蒺藜提取物或封装的胶囊置放在阴凉、干燥、避光的地方。
[建议使用量] 饭后服用,刺蒺藜提取物(粉粉)冲泡在一口杯大小(约30-50
[注意事项] 如有明显不良反应,或使用中若出现不适请减少用量或停用,并向
Product Name: Tribulus Terrestris P.E.Latin Name: Tribulus Terrestris Plant origin and Distribution:Tribulus Terrestris belongs to Zygophyllaceae. It is anannual or perennial herb and harvested inautumn. It is widely cultivated in Henan, Hebei, Shandong and Anhui etc.
Part of Used: FruitActive ingredient: SaponinsSpecs Available: 40% 90% (UV)Characteristic:Appearance:Yellow Brown Fine Powder Odor: Characteristic Main Function:(1) Lowering blood pressure and blood-fat, deducing cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis.
(2) Enhancing human immunity and anti-aging.(3) Boosting male virility.(4) Strengthening myocardial contractive power, slowing heart rate and dilating coronary arteries.Application: (1) Applied in pharmaceutical field, it is usually made into tablets, capsule and granule to warm
the kidney, strengthen the spleen and enhance human immunity. (2) Applied in food field, it is mainly used in kinds of beverage, liquor and foods to enhance human immunity and anti-aging.
Shelf Life: 2 yearsStorage: Store in cool and dry places. Keep away from light.Packing: 25 Kg/Fiber Drum |