TM-106-K快速油压机特点: 1.采用四柱三板式结构,活动板与工作面平行精度高,四个精密导套使下压垂直精度高; 2.安全设计周全,双手操作,设有紧急按钮(光电保护装置需另加装)及上下寸动调模按钮; 3.工作台面配有落料槽及吹气装置,提高生产效率; 4.压力、行程、速度、保压时间、闭合高度均可按需求调整,方便操作; 5.工作台下方装有脚轮和脚杯,可轻巧移动,省力高效。适用范围:各类铝、镁合金压铸制品的毛边冲切及整形,塑料制品的整切;也适用于塑性材料的成形如板料的落料、拉伸、压印等以及塑料、粉末制品的压制等多种用途。汽车和摩托车配件行业用途*广泛出力 30T 40T 50T 工作面尺寸 500*400 600*500 600*500 *大工作高度 450 500 500 油缸行程 300 300 300 油缸下降速度 180 150 150 油缸加压速度 20 15 15 油缸上升速度 12
no standby of the oil hydraulic system, producing noise, power consumption can be saved, cost reduction
3 use of gas, oil pressure principle, achieve the moving speed, higher power requirements
4 generation of easy adjustment, only need to adjust the air pressure, can reach the required pressure, simple
5 machine solid structure, easy operation, lightness and convenience, with the work efficiency
6 use this for pressing, punching, riveting, assembly, such as cutting off
7 column type door open space design, special specifications of the demand, may be acceptable.
8 output 1-50T choose
9 optional table. Size: 700 x 600 x wide deep high 780mm
10 safety design, hand operation, equipped with an emergency stop and manual pressure, convenient installation and positive mold.
Have intention to please contact 15323455527 Chen Sheng30 120 120。
供应快速油压机,快速油压机价钱,快速油压机厂家 |