现货厂家自产甲基苯骈三氮唑tta(白色颗粒或粉状固体,袋装)联系人:时夏先生,电话:15051891406 025-68520838欢迎前来洽谈
产品 : 甲基苯骈三氮唑
化学式 : C7H7N3
原产地 : 中国
CAS NO : 29385-43-1
项目 标准
外观 淡黄色至白色颗粒或粉末
纯度(%) ≥99.0
熔点(℃) 79-86
水份(%) ≤0.2
灰份(%) ≤0.1
PH值 5.5-6.5
醇溶性 澄清通明无可见机械杂质
用途 : 本品主要用作金属(如银、铜、铅、镍、锌等)的防锈剂与缓蚀剂,广泛应用于防锈油(脂)类产品中,多用于铜及铜合金的气相缓蚀剂,循环水处理剂,汽车防冻液,高分子稳定剂,植物生长调节剂,润滑油添加剂,紫外线吸收剂等。本品也可与多种阻垢剂,杀菌灭藻剂配合使用,尤其对封闭循环冷却水系统缓蚀效果甚佳。
包装 : 25公斤牛皮纸袋,内衬黑色塑料袋,或根据客户要求。
Methylbenzotriazole (TTA)
CAS No 29385-43-1
Molecular formula: C7H7N3 Molecular Weight: 133.16
items index
Appearance White or Light yellow particle shape solid
Active contentwt % 99.0 min
Melting point ℃ 80-86
Ash content % 0.1 max
Water content % 0.2 max
TTA can be used as corrosion inhibitor of copper and copper alloy, it also has corrosion inhibition for black metals. This product is absorbed on metal surface to form a thin membrane to protect copper and other metals from corrosion of air and other harmful subjects. The membrane is more uniform. When used together with MBT, the effect is better.
First, dissolved with alcohol or alkali, then added into circulating water system, the dosage of 2-10mg/L is preferred. If the metal is badly corroded, 5-10 times of normal dosage should be expected.
Package and Storage:
25kg inner liner polyethylene (PE) bag, outer plastic woven bag,, or confirmed by clients. Storage in room shady and dry place.
Keywords: TTA China,Methylbenzotriazole(TTA) |