长兴恒月无纺布有限公司是一家专业生产 ES,ET, EP, PET,PP纺粘热轧无纺布,短纤维热轧无纺布,热风无纺布,亚光无纺布及其他特种无纺布的公司,同时成功开发有干燥剂专用可热封型包装无纺布、口罩用专业光滑无纺布等。公司依靠先进的科技、精良的生产设备、丰富的生产经验,生产的无纺布具有成网均匀、布面光滑、超薄、强度好、超柔软等特点。公司年生产和销售达2500吨,可根据用户的需求生产出不同克重、幅宽(最窄2CM)的无纺布。并可进行亲水、拒水、抗菌、阻燃、抗UV等功能性后处理。 公司生产和销售的热轧、纺粘及复合水刺系列产品,可广泛用于医用材料、护理卫生、服装辅料、制鞋衬料、家用装饰、汽车工业、航空旅游等多种领域,产品远销浙江、上海、福建、广东、江西、江苏、山东、河北等地区,出口东南亚、中东、非洲等国家。随着新产品的开发,其应用范围将更加广泛。通过提供性能优良的产品,合理的价格和良好的售后服务,能满足多种类型客户需求,赢得市场的高度信任。我公司坐落于美丽的太湖之滨,浙北重镇,浙苏皖的交通枢纽——长兴。有杭宁高速、申苏浙皖高速、104及318国道线、宣杭铁路、新长铁路均贯穿而过。距杭州、南京、上海均在1.5小时的车程内,水陆交通均十分便利。
(ES无纺布 ES热轧无纺布 ES亲水无纺布 ES热轧亲水无纺布 ES短纤无纺布 ES短纤亲水无纺布 亚光无纺布 亚光口罩无纺布 压光无纺布 平面无纺布 平纹无纺布 网袋育苗基质用无纺布)
Hang on Changxing Co., Ltd. is a professional production of woven ES, PET, ET hot-rolled non-woven fabrics, non-woven fabrics and other special non-woven matt the company, while successfully developed a special drying agent can be heat sealing packaging nonwoven cloth, masks, smooth non-woven fabrics such as a professional. Companies rely on advanced technology, sophisticated production equipment, rich production experience, the production of non-woven into a network with a uniform, cloth smooth, ultra-thin, high strength, ultra-soft and so on. Companys annual production and sales of up to 2,500 tons can be produced according to the needs of users of different weight, width (narrowest 2CM) of the non-woven fabrics. And may be hydrophilic, water repellent, anti-bacterial, flame retardant, anti-UV features of post-processing.
Companys production and marketing of hot-rolled, spunbond and spunlace composite products can be widely used in medical materials, health care, garment accessories, shoe linings, household decoration, automobile, aviation and tourism and many other fields, the product is far Pin Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei and other regions, exports to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa and other countries. With the development of new products, its scope of application will be even more widespread. Performance by providing excellent products, reasonable price and good after-sales service can meet various types of customer needs and win a high degree of confidence in the market.
Our company is located in the beautiful shore of Taihu Lake, the north city of Zhejiang, Zhejiang and Jiangsu and Anhui transport hub - Changxing. There Hangzhou-Nanjing high-speed, high-speed Shen Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, 104 and
318 State Line Road
, Xuan-Hang Railway, the new long railway are run through by. Away from Hangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai are all within 1.5 hours by car, water and land transportation are very convenient.
(无味ES口罩无纺布 无味无纺布 无味道ES热轧无纺布ES无纺布 ES热轧无纺布 ES亲水无纺布 ES热轧亲水无纺布 ES短纤无纺布 ES短纤亲水无纺布 亚光无纺布 亚光口罩无纺布 压光无纺布 平面无纺布 平纹无纺布 平板无纺布 平板ES无纺布 平板热轧无纺布 平板短纤维无纺布 长兴恒月无纺布有限公司) |