High-tech enterprises through the ISO9001 quality system certification
The temperature bonderite of WX-988-5-type steel pieces
First, use
Product manganese phosphating, spare parts for cars, motorcycles, boats and high-speed operation antifriction self-lubricating function of film processing, as well as tools, knives, and require a higher standard parts wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant film processing .
Second, the characteristics
This product generated phosphating film is delicate, the grain was hemispherical, lubricity, anti-corrosion ability.
Third, technical indicators
Color appe磷化液arance state pH value of the proportion of mechanical impurities processing area (m2/kg)
Red  0.02% 10  0.1%  0.02  1 1.420 and yellow transparent liquid 15
Fourth, the process description
Use this product with water diluted 1:10 苏州磷化液(volume ratio), add water as the working C can be used, the phosphide time 15 minutes. 98 fluid, Stir heat常州磷化液ed to 95 New with the working fluid to go through the trial phosphide qualified before mass production.
1. Test: Take a working solution 5 ml in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, 50 ml of distilled water, 上海磷化液drop 2 drops of methyl orange indicator, titrate with 0.1N sodium hydroxide to the orange and yellow is the end, consumed 0.1 N 5 drops of phenolphthaleinsodium hydroxide mill南京磷化液iliters x 2 Fa; then drops 4 indicator to appear red is t无锡磷化液he end, continue to titrate with 0.1N sodium hydroxide, 0.1N sodium hydroxide consumed total by 2 milliliters Ta.
2. The  70, the acid ratio (Ta / Fa): 6  1上海磷化加工0, Ta: 60 best working condition: FA: 6 9.
Operating 20 minutes. C, processing time: 15  98 Temperature: 95
3. Adjustment: 9, the addition 上海锰磷化of sodium 55 additional concentrate; Fa  6 or Ta When Fa carbonate per liter of working solution and 0.5 g of sodium carbonate, Fa reduce 70 add上海达克罗加工itional water;1 Ta point.
4. Note supplemental the tank evaporate moisture; regular cleaning of the tank bottom sediments.
V. Process
1. High quality requirements of the process:
Degreasing phosphating Ⅲ table tune  washing the      pickling  washing the washed pickling washed
The closed immersion hot water  washing  the phosphating  Table III tune oil
2. Higher quality requirements of the process:
The  Ⅲ table  washing  the pickling  washing  phosphide degreasing the Tiu closed hot water. washing |