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您当前位置是:商业机会 >> 电工电气 >> 工控系统及装备 >> GE IFIX *新版本6.0兼容系统技术中心美国GE IFIX 单机版
GE IFIX *新版本6.0兼容系统技术中心美国GE IFIX 单机版 GE IFIX *新版本6.0兼容系统技术中心美国GE IFIX 单机版_美国GE西北代理商_GE IFIX *新版本6.0兼容系统技术中心美国GE IFIX 单机版

公 司: 美国GE西北代理商
有 效 期:2022年08月26日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
邓小雅 女士 (销售经理)
电  话: 187-92569973
传  真:
手  机: 18792569973
地  址: 中国陕西西安市太白北路1
邮  编: 710010
公 司:美国GE西北代理商



    iFIX 6.0:

The minimum iFIX software requirements include:
·         One of the following operating systems: 
NOTE: Since Microsoft Windows has continuous updates, you should run the Windows update feature to get the latest Windows software for use with iFIX.
·         Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit), Pro or Enterprise Edition. 
·         Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit), Professional or Enterprise Edition. 
·          Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), Service Pack 1, Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate Edition. 
·         Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2. 
·         Microsoft Windows Server 2016. 
·         Microsoft Windows 7 Embedded Standard, Service Pack 1, for iFIX 6.0 Embedded licenses only. iFIX Embedded licenses will not run on Windows 10 IoT or other operating systems.
TIP:  Some operating systems require Microsoft KB2999226 to be installed before you can install iFIX. For Windows 7, you must have SP1 installed before you can install KB2999226. For Windows Server 2012 R2, you must have KB2919442 and then KB2919355 installed before installing KB2999226. For Windows 8.1, you just need KB2999226.
·         Network interface software for TCP/IP network communication and certain I/O drivers.
·   &a

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:邓小雅 电话:187-92569973

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