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公 司: 北京华通达测技术服务有限公司
有 效 期:2022年03月05日
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
董孝芳 女士 (市场部经理)
电  话: 010-56821086
传  真:
手  机: 15010358946
地  址: 中国北京海淀区北京市海淀区丰慧中路7号新材料创业大厦4层421
邮  编: 100085
公 司:北京华通达测技术服务有限公司



    Scope of quality system documentation (D, E, H)

- quality manual(质量手册)
- quality objectives (质量目标)
- organizational structure (组织结构)
- powers on particular stages of management(特定管理阶段的权威)
- quality policy(质量政策)
- manual for risk analysis(风险分析的手册)
- list of harmonized standards applied in full or in part(使用标准的清单)
- list of other applied standards and rules (regulations) (其他标准和规定)
- procedure for design of equipment – standards, method, validation, verification(产品设计程序—标准,方式,验证)
- manual for creating of technical file (技术文件)
- records from design validation and verification(设计审查和验证的记录)
- procedures for material selection and required documents(产品选择的流程和所需文件)
- procedure from initial inspection of material and records (材料的初步审查)
- evidence from approval of material manufacturer (point 4.3 of Annex I to PED)(批准材料的证明信)
- WPQR, WPS, welding plans(WPQR, WPS,焊接计划)
- welders certificates and information about their approval(焊接证书和讯息)
- NDT personnel certificates and information about their approval(NDT人员证书及讯息)
- procedures for NDT and examples of protocols (无损检测程序和协议)
- procedure for determining range of NDT(无损检测的范围确定程序)
- procedure for determining range of mechanical tests (e.g. after heat treatment, forming) and examples of protocols (机械试验协议,例如热处理之后,成型)
- procedures for forming and records (成型程序和记录)
- procedures for heat treatment and records (热处理程序及记录)
- procedure for pressure test (if medium for pressure test is not water) and records(压力测试的程序:如果测试中没有水)
- procedure for final inspection (assessment) and records(最终检测程序和记录)
- procedure for inspections and tests during manufacture and records(生产过程中的检测机测试)
- procedure for marking transfer(标记转移的程序)
- inspection and control plan (检测和控制计划)
- proposal for DoC (DoC文件)
- records from measuring apparatuses calibration(测量仪器校准的记录)
- procedure for metrology (calibration intervals, list of apparatuses, responsibilities, records etc.) 【度量程序(校准间隔,仪器清单,职责和记录等等)】
- procedure for internal audits and records (内部审计程序和记录)
- records from audits carried by certification body(公告机构的检测记录)

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20 条信息,当前显示第 1 - 20 条,共 1

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 联系人:董孝芳 电话:010-56821086

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