配置参数/Machine specification
● Table top machine, designed for low production through hole soldering or repairing. 桌上形机器,适合进行小批量通孔焊接或返修。
●Portable hand-hold programmer with drivers form a stable and efficient system;
● Solder pot and spray is fixed, PCB is moving with X/Y/Z direction. Table moving path and moving speed can be set in programmer. 锡炉与喷雾头固定,PCB进行X/Y/Z方向的运动,手持编程器中进行运行路径,运行速度的设定。驱动器控制X及Y方向步进电机运动, Z方向由气缸控制。。
● IR light point to top of PCB, it align the same position with wave nozzle’s position, easy to figure out the area need to soldering and spraying. 红外线点配合编程器进行教学式编程,操作简单易学。
● N2 heating system can heat N2 from 25--350c degree, reduce the solder dross generating meanwhile preheat the soldering pad. 氮气加热系统可加热氮气温度25--350度,减少氧化,提高焊锡流动性。
● Optional with mini spray flux nozzle, precious with good atomization effect. Flux stocked in pressure tank, make sure the flux is already under the same working pressure, so the flux flow will not be influenced by quantity of flux. 可选配上喷雾喷嘴,实现助焊剂的点喷,单点可达直径5MM。助焊剂放置在压力容器内,保证助焊剂所受的压力稳定,不受助焊剂的多少影响。
● Optional to equip with in-time camera&monitor system to show whole soldering process, without open machine’s hood customer can see the soldering and it’s result. 可选配焊接实时显示相机与显示器,可实时的监测焊接情况。
Item 机型 ECOSEL-300
General 整体
Operating power/Max power 运行功率/总功率 1.5KW/4KW
PCB dimension PCB尺寸范围 50x50---300x300mm
Machine dimension 机器尺寸 680(W)*900(D)*700(H)
Net weight 机器净重 80KG
Power supply 电源 1PH 220V 50HZ
Air supply 气源 3-5 bars
Exhausting required 抽风 100M3/h
PCB Robotic Platform 机器人平台
Axes of Motion 运动轴 X, Y, Z
Motion Control 运动控制 X,Y 步进控制,Z轴气动控制
Position Accuracy 定位精度 + / - 0.1mm
Solder Management 焊锡管理
Standard Solder Stations 标准锡炉 1
Solder Pot Capacity 锡炉容量 15 kgs
Solder Temperature Control 锡温控制 PID
Heat-Up Time 熔锡时间 45 Minutes
Max Temperature *高锡温 380 C
Solder Pot heater 锡炉功率 3kw
Solder Nozzles 焊锡喷嘴
MiniWave Nozzles 喷嘴尺寸 Dia 2 to 8mm
Customized nozzle 定制喷嘴 可提供
Nitrogen (N2) Inertion Management 氮气管理
N2 Heater 氮气加热器 standard equipped 标配
N2 Temp PID Control Range 氮气温度范围 0 - 350 C
N2 Consumption per Nozzle 氮气消耗量 1.5m3/H/NOZZLE
Required N2 Purity | Oxygen 要求氮气纯度 O2 < 20 PPM
Optional Flux Management 可选助焊剂涂覆
Spray Flux Nozzle 助焊剂喷嘴 Mini spray fluxer, atomization type 雾化细口喷阀
Flux Capacity助焊剂容量 1.2L
Flux Tank 助焊剂罐 Pressure tank 恒压罐
Controlling System 控制系统
Program method 路径编程 Portable programmer 示教器
Controlling system 控制部份 Touchscreen 触摸屏
Typical Program Time 通常编程时间 10 Minutes |